Friday, November 30, 2007


Network configuration

Amaç TCP/IP özelliklerinden IP girilmesini engellemek ise;

kullanıcı yapıldırması + yönetim şablonları +ağ +ağ bağlantılarına tıkla, sağ tarafta "tcp/ıp gelişmiş yapılandırmasını engelle" bunu etkin yap daha sonra en alt tarafta

"windows 2000 ağ bağlantı ayarlarını yöneticiler için etkinleştir" var onu etkinleştir. Böylece bu ayar administartors üyelerinede etki eder.

windows firewall disable
This will allow you to create a group policy and link it to the container you just created. Change the following policies:
Administrative Templates\Network\Network Connections
Policy: Prohibit Use of Internet Connection Firewall on your DNS domain network --> Enabled
Administrative Templates\Network\Network Connections\Windows Firewall\Domain Profile
Policy: Windows Firewall Protect All network connections --> Disabled

Next, right click the new link you just created and Enable it. The next time the workstation updates its GPO settings, this will turn off the Firewall. Usual wait is about 4-6 hours.
Using this method is great because at any time if a policy breaks something, you can simply locate the link and disable it.
What's also great about these settings is that even if a user is a local admin, they cannot re-enable it. BUT, if they are a mobile user (laptop) when they disconnect from the domain, the firewall will return to its previous state.

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